Sacred Activations Webinars – Healing The Bodies 6-Week Series


WHEN: 6 Wednesdays, April 16 to May 21
TIME: 8-9 pm EST
 You will get the recordings to keep!

Please join me for this unique 6 week Fall series, Healing The Bodies. We are multi-dimensional beings with 7 subtle bodies that impact our life greatly. The focus tends to be on the physical body, but in actuality, the physical body is dependent on the clarity and balance of the other subtle bodies. There are several systems for this and I will use the 7 subtle body system for these 6 weeks. The 7 subtle body system consists of the Physical Body, Etheric Body, Emotional Body, Mental Body, Causal Body, Spiritual Body, and Divine Body. I will also include the Etheric Body Template in the 2nd week, and the Celestial Body in the 6th week, these 2 are from different systems, but will give them an upgrade as well. The 7th subtle body is the Divine Body which is oneness, and non-duality, so there is nothing to clear or balance in the body. The 6 weeks will clear and balance the other 6 bodies to greater connect you to your Divine Body of non-separation.

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Please join me for this unique 6 week Fall series, Healing The Bodies. We are multi-dimensional beings with 7 subtle bodies that impact our life greatly. The focus tends to be on the physical body, but in actuality, the physical body is dependent on the clarity and balance of the other subtle bodies. There are several systems for this and I will use the 7 subtle body system for these 6 weeks. The 7 subtle body system consists of the Physical Body, Etheric Body, Emotional Body, Mental Body, Causal Body, Spiritual Body, and Divine Body. I will also include the Etheric Body Template in the 2nd week, and the Celestial Body in the 6th week, these 2 are from different systems, but will give them an upgrade as well. The 7th subtle body is the Divine Body which is oneness, and non-duality, so there is nothing to clear or balance in the body. The 6 weeks will clear and balance the other 6 bodies to greater connect you to your Divine Body of non-separation.

Immerse yourself in 6 weeks of deep transformative healing that goes beyond the physical body, but greatly impacts the physical body well-being. Each week will cover a different subtle body, starting with the physical body, which is the densest of all the subtle bodies. These 6 weeks will clear things from this lifetime, past lifetimes, karmically, and on the soul level where you will get healing straight from your Akashic Records.

I think you will find this series richly healing, and transformative, leaving you with a greater sense of all of you, as each of the subtle bodies plays an integral part in contributing to your health (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual), and life as a whole. You will feel more harmonious, clear, aligned, and thriving, both within and outside of your being.

The outcome of these 6 weeks:

  • feeling healthier and more energized in your physical body
  • Overall wellness and vitality
  • more clarity, focus, and inspiration
  • healthier emotional expression
  • reduce anxiety, fear, and stress, to bring in emotional resilience
  • enhance focus, intellectual clarity, and self-confidence
  • smoother and balanced flow through the Chakras and meridians
  • stronger connection to higher self, intuitive abilities, and sense of purpose
  • lighter and more at ease in your body, mind, heart, and soul
  • more open and receptive to love, abundance, and living full-out
  • inspiration and courage to take action towards an aligned life
  • deeper connection to divine energy
  • clearing of karmic ties or sabotage for healthier relationships and life choices
  • greater awareness & deeper appreciation of ALL of you

Each week will consist of 3 parts

1) A 10- minute talk on the subtle body of the week
2) 25 minutes healing; Sacred Activations & upgrade & recalibration of each subtle body
3)  25 minutes of powerful frequencies to clear & enhance each subtle body