Healing Events

ISA Money Light Codes Webinars: 2 5 Weeks January to April
WHEN: Jan.22 to Feb. 19/Mar. 5 to Apr. 2 (can join anytime and get the recordings of past healings)
Summary of themes of ALL 10 weeks
January 22, 8pm EST: Clear Poverty & Lack Consciousness
January 29, 8pm EST: Debt & Money Manager
February 5, 8pm EST: Self-Sabotage & Limiting Money Beliefs
February 12, 8pm EST: Clear Fears & Not Being Able to Hold Onto Money
February 19, 8pm EST: Family, Generational, and Ancestral Healing Around Money
March 5, 8pm EST: Open/Worthy of Receiving, and Arms Wide Open
March 12, 8pm EST: Feel Safe/Trust to Make A Lot Of Money
March 19, 8pm EST: Shine Bright, Have Fun & Use Your Creativity to Money
March 26, 8pm EST: RaiseYour Money Ceiling and Be A Money Magnet
April 2, 8pm EST: Universal Law of Abundance

5 divine patterns to stillness
WHEN: March 23 to 27
WHERE: Via Zoom
TIME: 6 – 7 pm EST (All 5 days)
Please join me for this unique 5-day healing event, “5 Divine Patterns to Stillness”. These 5 days will activate 5 divine patterns with the consciousness of the Celestial Galactics, who are new yet very advanced helpers that are associated with multiple planets. The patterns consist of traditional acupuncture points (Esoteric Acupuncture) that will activate your system to hold more light, as each line is part of the 5th-dimensional grid system that will be ignited. This will allow more information to be brought through your divine blueprint; light codes, and information that contains multi-dimensional consciousness, which will activate and upgrade your divine patterns using sacred geometry, numerology, and multi-dimensional connections.

The great rewiring of the body
WHEN: April 13 and 14
WHERE: Via Zoom
TIME: 7- 8 pm EST both days
HOW LONG: 1 hour
Please join me for this unique 2-day healing event, “The Great Rewiring of The Body”. Each day there will be a systematic advanced process of going through your channels, meridians, Chakras, and acupuncture points of light, and upgrading them to have the capacity to hold more light and consciousness. The rewiring will be led by advanced Galactic Beings. The reason for the Great Rewiring coming through at this time is we are approaching new cycles of time and development, and this series will upgrade you and allow you to adjust and have a greater flow as this time approaches. Just like the operating system on your computer or cell phone needs changing and upgrading, your subtle body structures will be going through a process to hold more light, consciousness, and awareness. You will be able to absorb the cosmic energies and information coming onto the planet in an efficient manner, with a faster and more streamlined subtle body system. The bonus of these two days is the healing and balancing of your physical body blocks, disturbances, and dis-eases as old patterns on all subtle bodies are released.

Healing The Bodies
WHEN: 6 Wednesdays, April 16 to May 21
WHERE: Via Zoom
TIME: 8pm – 9 pm EST
HOW LONG: 1 hour
RECORDING: to keep
INVESTMENT: $200 till March 20 (then $222)
Please join me for this unique 6 week Fall series, Healing The Bodies. We are multi-dimensional beings with 7 subtle bodies that impact our life greatly. The focus tends to be on the physical body, but in actuality, the physical body is dependent on the clarity and balance of the other subtle bodies. There are several systems for this, and I will use the 7 subtle body system for these 6 weeks. The 7 subtle body system consists of the Physical Body, Etheric Body, Emotional Body, Mental Body, Causal Body, Spiritual Body, and Divine Body. I will also include the Etheric Body Template in the 2nd week. The Divine Body is oneness, and non-duality, so there is nothing to clear or balance in the body. The 6 weeks will clear and balance the other 6 bodies to greater connect you to your Divine Body of non-separation.

WHEN: Wednesday, February 26
TIME: 7 pm EST
HOW LONG: 40-50 minutes (recording 30 days)
Please join me for this much needed tune-up of your frequency level. Many do not consider the impact of living in lower vibration on their day-to-day life. We live in a world that constantly gives us information and stimulus, and then there are the emotions & beliefs we carry from childhood that amplify it. When not in high frequency, we are more apt to get overwhelmed, anxious, worried, filled & riddled with fear and anger. When in this lower vibration, we attract situations, people, and circumstances that match the vibration, but to raise your vibration and frequency shifts everything!
When in high vibration:
* solutions come quickly
* situations resolve themselves and feel insignificant
* people that do not match your vibration dissipate

Solar Logos: Etheric, Astral & I AM Bodies
WHEN: February 18, 19 & 20
WHERE: Via Zoom
TIME: 5:30 – 6:30 pm EST (All 3 days)
This is a powerful 3 part series of connecting to Solar Logos, divinity of the Sun. The Solar Logos is a metaphysical concept that is often mentioned in spiritual and esoteric teachings. It represents the consciousness or divine intelligence associated with our Sun or central solar entity. Solar Logos is considered the central spiritual intelligence or divine consciousness that governs our solar system.The Etheric body, the Astral body(emotional and mental), and the Divine Body(I AM presence) will receive 45 minutes each of the Solar Logos divine frequencies, and only 45 minutes is needed to completely imbue each of the three subtle bodies with intention to enhance your awareness, consciousness, and accelerate your development to be of service to humankind. It will also let you stay in resonance with Solar Logos and the angelic beings associated with him.

WHEN: March 6 & 8, 2025
TIME: March 6 7 pm EST & March 8 2pm EST
HOW LONG: Recordings to keep
This 2 part healing series is unique in that we do not think about time providing healing for our body(physical, emotional, or mental). However, when we connect to the fluidity of time within us, then whatever our intention is to clear is malleable to shift, adapt, and clear. Time is fluid, and it is only our perception that makes it static or rigid. When the energy of this fluidity is used for any intention, then that fluidity, expansiveness, and unlimited nature are infused into the intention to shift how we wish it to shift. The intention can be for healing your health, expand your business, or for manifestation of some kind, and more. There is no limit to the intentions that you can set.
This series is a powerful healing duo that will shift things on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. I have not seen a healing series like this, and what makes it even more unique, is the 2 parts are different but complement each other to bring a comprehensive and deep transformation. As well, there is a bonus at the end of day 2 that will instill the fluidity of time into you with the intention of “energy & abundance”, and it will dissolve on its own after 30 days.

Melchizedek Garment of Light: Etheric, Astral & I AM Bodies
Dates: January 19, 20 & 21
Time: 6 pm – 7 pm EST all 3 days
Investment: $111
This is a powerful 3 part series of connecting to Melchizedek through the garment of light frequency which enhances one’s sensing capacities in the subtle bodies. The Etheric body, the Astral body(emotional and mental), and the Divine Body(I AM presence) will receive 45 minutes each of the Melchizedek Garment of Light Frequency(MGL), and only 45 minutes is needed to completely imbue each of them with the thousands of different light frequencies. The garment of very high frequency imbues your aura and subtle bodies with thousands of different light frequencies that raise the overall vibration of your consciousness. It will also let you stay in resonance with Melchizedek and the angelic beings associated with him.
In short, your Etheric body will be in permanent resonance with Melchizedek’s Etheric subtle body, your Astral subtle body will be in permanent resonance with Melchizedek’s Astral subtle body, and your Divine body will be in permanent resonance with Melchizedek’s Divine subtle body. You will connect deeper on your spiritual path with the resonance of this higher being.
The first week of the Samskara & Karma clearing I felt the healing process deep inside my being when I joined live. I have embraced the month of November as my time of healing and I think that honoring this is very powerful. The 2nd week I fell asleep pretty quickly listening to the replay so I listened again a couple of days later. Since then, I have noticed that some of my anger has cleared. I can’t explain but I know. I am less reactive and can maintain calm more easily. This IS a miracle!!
I keep getting interviews but they are hiring other people. For months now, whenever I get these rejections I get really upset to the point of physical symptoms.
Last week, I received two more. My whole mindset shifted. Oh well, their loss and forgot about it.
Afterwards, I felt a deep inner peace, a knowing that everything will be alright and whatever is going on I can handle.
If it doesn’t happen it’s not meant for me.
I am also hearing guidance much clearer and feel confident after.
Thanks! All because of you. We reconnected at one of the lowest points in my life in over 20 years. Totally meant to be.
You’re unique healing combinations are just what I needed to overcome and push forward on my own path.

The next day after the first day, I noticed around 11 am that I only needed one cup of coffee and had more focus, energy and motivation.
The day after day two, I had more energy upon waking, only had one cup of coffee and my brain felt on fire. In a good way, confident, more effective because I was clear on what needed to be done. Brain fog was gone.
Day three, all of the above continued and I felt like I had a new Brain. All that increased focus made me feel so empowered as I checked off multiple items off my to do list. The results happened so quick! I was amazed!!! I love my new brain.