WHEN: June 2, 3, 4 & 5 (Sunday to Wednesday)
TIME: 5:30 – 6:30 pm EST 
HOW LONG: Recordings to keep
WHAT: 7 Soul Initiation frequencies
INVESTMENT: $145 (per household/payment plan is possible)

Please join me for these 4 days that will instill the package and information for 7 SOUL accelerator initiations. it does not matter where you are on the spiritual soul journey, each of the initiation frequencies will either deepen the initiation if you have gone beyond it or download the information to help with the process of the initiation. Each of the 7 soul accelerator initiations will meet you where you are.

The 7 initiations will come down as a package, like a ladder. When the initiation comes around, the energetic information received from the channeling will activate it. An acceleration of consciousness as a full package. Everyone will be at their own stage of unpacking each of the 7 Soul Initiations.

Outcomes for these 4 days:

* an opening and expanding of the heart
* imprint of deep information that will slowly move into your consciousness
* greater awareness of yourself as more than a physical body
* deeper understanding of your true soul purpose
* setting the tone for greater expansion
* inspired action
* expand self as a spiritual being and a seeker
* greater ease as move through your individual soul path

Each day will include: (* note Sunday will be slightly different)
* a short talk on the initiations of the session
* 25 minutes each of each of the Soul Accelerator Initiations

Daily Schedule:

  • Sunday. June 2:  Talk on the 7 Soul Initiations, and 25 minutes of The Awakening Initiation Frequency
  • Mon. June 3: 25 minutes each of the Scholar & the Warrior Initiation Frequency
  • Tues. June 4: 25 minutes each of the Queen & the King Initiation Frequency
  • Wed. June 5: 25 minutes each of the Sun Hero & the Master Healer Initiation Frequency


The session will begin with a talk on the spiritual initiation journey in general, and then go over the 7 soul initiations that will guide and enhance each of the initiations that would naturally occur on the spiritual path.

The Awakening Initiation starts the process of turning from the physical world towards the spiritual world and recognizing your spiritual destiny as a soul. Awakening from 3D to a more soul or spiritual calling. This initiation will help you move forward in that process gracefully to remember your own awakening in this life. Usually, this awakening has a window in late 30’s (35-40). in the Saturn Return period of one’s life, one will get a strong calling. This made me reflect on the events in my life that began my spiritual path at 37 years of age. This frequency plants the seeds for this initiation in the near or far future, depending on the soul’s plan.


The Scholar Initiation is where study of esoteric and occult knowledge becomes important and you are dedicated to the process of learning and developing on the intellectual as well as clairvoyant level. Many have gone through the Scholar initiation but it is ongoing as opposed to some end point. I feel I am still deepening in this initiation. On a personal note, I remember reading all of Caroline Myss’s books, as well as Brian Weiss and Rod Stryker had deeply impacted me. I have expanded in teachers, books, and healing, which is part of the ongoing scholar initiation.

The Warrior Initiation is one of courage and strength to fight for your beliefs, values, and spiritual ideals. I suppose this is more of a spiritual warrior initiation, imprinting the will to stand up for your beliefs and spiritual truths. It sharpens your understanding and commitment. When 100% committed, move faster, no matter the obstacles in your way, as you always find a way. I can concur that when you cultivate will and courage, there is no stopping you, whether on a spiritual or individual soul journey, both will bring you into deep alignment with your true essence.

Tuesday, June 5 5:30 – 6:30 pm EST – QUEEN & KING INITIATION FREQUENCIES

The Queen Initiation is a point in your life that you realize your reason or purpose for moving on the spiritual path, like a soul realization. You also become acutely aware that you are not alone, and more aware of the unified interconnectedness of all the souls.  This is where you begin to dedicate your path to service and move deeper into clearing blocks and traumas that may be preventing you from moving that. The queen initiation clears the way for true unhindered service on whatever path you are on, this is not limited to healers, but to all that are moving to their aligned path, being of service becomes a big realization along the path.

The King Initiation brings an embodiment of serving the group rather than the individual self. This is a more advanced initiation that focuses on imprinting patterns of being in true service. If already in this phase, this initiation will integrate what you have done thus far, and fully imprint it for future lifetimes. Remember, your soul goes with you through each lifetime, so your soul will carry on this information to the next lifetime.

The Queen and King initiations work hand in hand. The Queen Initiation clears any blocks that are keeping you from true service, and the King Initiation solidifies the patterns of true service to others.


The Sun Hero Initiation is when you graduate to embodying the I AM Presence more fully and completely in your system. One of the blueprints that you will receive here, is the Christ being consciousness. This initiation can also bring rapid acceleration of healing for mental, emotional, and even physical issues.

The Master Healer Initiation encompasses all 6 previous initiations, and allows one to guide others in their process of spiritual renewal and development. This is not limited to healers, but anyone in any profession or goal.  In this level, you are no longer just making decisions from a personality level, but also very much guided by the soul. In truth, you become a master, when you are no longer led by the ego or the personality self, and in true service for the good and greater well-being of others.

I am here if you have any questions on these 4 days. No matter where you are on your spiritual path, these 4 days will accelerate, amplify, and make it a smoother journey. A journey of deep re-awakening, embracing, and transforming all parts of you, not just on a soul level, that WILL be carried on in future lifetimes.