WHEN: Wednesday, February 26
TIME: 7 pm EST
HOW LONG: 40-50 minutes (recording 30 days)
Please join me for this much needed tune-up of your frequency level. Many do not consider the impact of living in lower vibration on their day-to-day life. We live in a world that constantly gives us information and stimulus, and then there are the emotions & beliefs we carry from childhood that amplify it. When not in high frequency, we are more apt to get overwhelmed, anxious, worried, filled & riddled with fear and anger. When in this lower vibration, we attract situations, people, and circumstances that match the vibration, but to raise your vibration and frequency shifts everything!
When in high vibration:
* solutions come quickly
* situations resolve themselves and feel insignificant
* people that do not match your vibration dissipate
The factors that influence your frequency:
Chakras: When Chakras are not aligned or balanced that is where the energy will go and deplete you
Emotions: accumulating lower vibration emotions like anger, fear, guilt, and sadness will attract similar situations and people that are of the same frequency. Love is the key emotion that will raise your vibration, and also heal the world, that is how powerful the love vibration
Stagnation & blocks in your physical body: lower vibration emotions and thoughts will set up home in your body. Even though, shifting the emotions is key, de-stagnating the physical body will contribute to the overall flow of energy
10 minutes talking about the:
* upcoming 5 weeks of deep money healing, and the unique 2-part power of time healing event
* my only live in-person event(retreat) all info here
* the frequency tune-up healing
30-minute healing with:
6 Sacred Activations to:
* align, balance, and ignite your Chakras
* clear low-vibration emotions
* dissolve the pattern of self-trauma and self-sabotage
* activate your 12 light bodies
* connect you to higher vibration
* connect you to 5D love
2 frequencies to:
* cleanse, balance, and EMPOWER your Chakras and meridians, with 2 minutes purely on the heart
* clear and enhance ALL 7 of your subtle bodies with gold and silver frequencies
You will leave this healing event feeling lighter, more expansive, and more at peace in your being; body, heart, mind, and spirit
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