Sacred Activations Webinars

Healing The Bodies – Spring 2025 Schedule
**Testimonials at the bottom of page**
WHEN: 6 Wednesdays, April 16 to May 21
TIME: 8-9 pm EST
HOW LONG: You will get the recordings to keep!
INVESTMENT: $200 till March 20 (then up to $222)
Healing The Bodies 6-Week Series
Early Bird till March 1 for all 6 weeks, the investment is $200 (not $222)
Please join me for this unique 6 week Fall series, Healing The Bodies. We are multi-dimensional beings with 7 subtle bodies that impact our life greatly. The focus tends to be on the physical body, but in actuality, the physical body is dependent on the clarity and balance of the other subtle bodies. There are several systems for this and I will use the 7 subtle body system for these 6 weeks. The 7 subtle body system consists of the Physical Body, Etheric Body, Emotional Body, Mental Body, Causal Body, Spiritual Body, and Divine Body. I will also include the Etheric Body Template in the 2nd week, and the Celestial Body in the 6th week, these 2 are from different systems, but will give them an upgrade as well. The 7th subtle body is the Divine Body which is oneness, and non-duality, so there is nothing to clear or balance in the body. The 6 weeks will clear and balance the other 6 bodies to greater connect you to your Divine Body of non-separation.
Immerse yourself in 6 weeks of deep transformative healing that goes beyond the physical body, but greatly impacts the physical body well-being. Each week will cover a different subtle body, starting with the physical body, which is the densest of all the subtle bodies. These 6 weeks will clear things from this lifetime, past lifetimes, karmically, and on the soul level where you will get healing straight from your Akashic Records.
I think you will find this series richly healing, and transformative, leaving you with a greater sense of all of you, as each of the subtle bodies plays an integral part in contributing to your health (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual), and life as a whole. You will feel more harmonious, clear, aligned, and thriving, both within and outside of your being.
The outcome of these 6 weeks:
- feeling healthier and more energized in your physical body
- Overall wellness and vitality
- more clarity, focus, and inspiration
- healthier emotional expression
- reduce anxiety, fear, and stress, to bring in emotional resilience
- enhance focus, intellectual clarity, and self-confidence
- smoother and balanced flow through the Chakras and meridians
- stronger connection to higher self, intuitive abilities, and sense of purpose
- lighter and more at ease in your body, mind, heart, and soul
- more open and receptive to love, abundance, and living full-out
- inspiration and courage to take action towards an aligned life
- deeper connection to divine energy
- clearing of karmic ties or sabotage for healthier relationships and life choices
- greater awareness & deeper appreciation of ALL of you
Each week will consist of 3 parts
1) A 10- minute talk on the subtle body of the week
2) 25 minutes healing; Sacred Activations & upgrade & recalibration of each subtle body
3) 25 minutes of powerful frequencies to clear & enhance each subtle body
April 16 – Physical Body: Cells, DNA, Organs, and Blood
You know how you go for a physical at your doctor’s office and they check your physical body from the outside, well this will be a full cleanse, balancing, and recalibration of your inner parts. Your physical body is the densest of all the bodies, and ALL ailments, and diseases come in through the other subtle bodies. This is why tending to ALL the other subtle bodies is important. We cannot just clear and balance the physical body, as then the disharmony and imbalances from the other subtle bodies will come back again. As we cleanse the other subtle bodies, we will clear the root of the ailment(s) impacting the physical body, the emotional, mental, karmic, or soul level (spiritual body) imbalances. We are complex multi-dimensional beings, the first week will tend to your main vessel, your physical body.
This webinar will include healing to:
- Cellular Cleanse, repair, and Optimization & activate Mitochondria
- Repair stem cells & telomeres
- Upgrade & crystallize your DNA
- Rejuvenate the organs
- Balance the hormones & clear inflammation
- Reset blood flow
- Nervous System upgrade, and Adrenal exhaustion release
- Activate the energetic IV with the vitamins & minerals that you need
- Muscle trauma release and muscle restore and recovery
- Spine and joint health
- ISA Deep Cellular Memory Energetic Cleanse
- ISA Codes Physical Body Cleanse & Upgrade
25 minutes receiving frequencies for regeneration & longevity, and recoding the water of your cells to 100% health & vitality.
April 23 – Etheric Body & Etheric Body Template: The Chakras, Meridians, and Energy Body
The Etheric body body is your prana body, also known as Chi. It is your energetic body that acts like an energetic glove for your physical body, and includes Chakras, Meridians, and Nadies. It is imperative to keep your etheric body clear and balanced, as the ailments and imbalances come into your physical body through your etheric body. Keeping this body balanced will also give you more vitality, energy, and clarity in your life. This is also the body that picks up stuff from others and the collective, so healing it and protecting it is crucial for your overall energy level. The Etheric template body has all the programs for the physical body, all the patterns and structures. It is considered the energetic blueprint or framework upon which the physical body is formed and maintained. The Etheric template subtle body is the fifth layer of the human energy field from the physical body in another system, and functions as the energetic blueprint for the physical body. The etheric template body is crucial for maintaining the physical body’s integrity and alignment with its higher spiritual purpose. To be thorough, you will get a cleanse and upgrade of your etheric template body.
This webinar will include healing to:
- balance, clear, and upgrade all ll 14 Chakras
- awaken your Kundalini
- infuse Christ’s oil energy into your spine
- create a flow between your gut, heart, and mind for intuitive sensing
- upgrade your Nervous System to help with integration of the energies
- expand your pillar of light from deep in Mother Earth to the galactic realm
- activate your Telepathy
- reset your body to integrate the energy
- protect you with sacred geometry grid
- uplevel you smoothly to 5D
- activate your 12 light body’s
- ISA Etheric Template Body Cleanse & Upgrade
- ISA Codes Etheric Body Cleanse & Upgrade
20 minutes receiving frequencies for thorough cleansing, balancing, and empowering the etheric body and the etheric body template, as well as enhance your major & minor Chakras(there are Chakras on organs and even body parts, like hips, knee, and elbow), and your Central Channel with the high powered frequency of the 144 Vogel Crystal.
April 30 – Emotional Body: Clearing Low Vibration Emotions & Emotional Wounds, And Heart Empowerment
In another system the Emotional Body and the Mental Body are part of the same body called the Astral Body. To be more thorough, I am using the 7- body system to work on the emotional body and mental body separately. The emotional body is influenced by low-vibration emotions like shame, anger, and fear, AND where Samskaras reside. Samskaras are emotional scars that have etched in deeper with each lifetime of repetitive patterns. I will also include heartbreak, and betrayal, as these can be deep-rooted samskaras, and heart healing & expansion.
This webinar will include healing to:
- clear suppressed low-vibration emotions
- release guilt, grief, and regret
- clear fear of change and the unknown
- dissolve resistance to letting go of the past
- clear victim tendencies
- clear heart-break and betrayal
- bring in emotional well-being and harmony
- clear past life traumas of the heart
- release anxiety and depression
- clear world heart and empathy
- clear and strengthen the heart
- empower and upgrade your heart
- bring in joy and self-loyalty
- bring in love and joy
- upgrade the emotional body
20 minutes deep clearing of emotional Samskara patterns from over 10 lifetimes. This will include emotions of playing victim, heartbreak, anger, and emotional trauma, and more. As well, master frequencies that will imprint your subtle bodies with non-duality, emotional balance, and love.
May 7 – Mental Body: Purifying the Mind of Mental Clutter & Self-Sabotage
The Mental Body is influenced by the clutter of the mind and sabotaging patterns that lead to suffering, anxiety, and actions that repeat the cycle. As mentioned above, in another system the mental body and emotional body are in the Astral body, and that is where the Samskara of deep-rooted patterns continues to play out lifetime to lifetime. You can break the cycle of sabotaging thoughts and actions, and playing it small, to cultivate inner peace and stability, and better choices that serve your highest good. An added note, the etheric, emotional and mental bodies are the most energetically dense because they are experienced on the physical level, when the clutter is cleared, easier to connect to the higher frequency bodies.
This webinar will include healing to:
- clear overthinking and worry
- dissolve overwhelm
- dissolve the war inside
- clear fear of the future or the unknown
- better manage the twists & turns of life
- clearing playing small
- clear addictions
- clear resistance and rejection
- release competition, lack & limitations
- release self-sabotage and trauma
- dissolve the reptilian brain & bring in non-duality
- bring in healthy boundaries
- activate ownership of own life
- get your mojo back
- expand in confidence & self-esteem
- bring in peace and clarity
- upgrade the mental body
- astral body upgrade
20 minutes receiving frequencies to clear obstructions in the mental body using Solar Logos (Christ Consciousness) and the fire element, followed by a soothing balm of land frequencies of mountain and desert. Closing with a beautiful frequency to bring in moderation and intelligence.
May 14 – Causal Body: Clearing Karmic Patterns & Bringing in Good Luck Karma
The Causal Body holds all the karma from past lifetimes. Karma is cause and effect, every cause has an effect, and you may be living out an effect from from karma created in a past life. For example, if you were a greedy rich person in a past life, you may be poor in this life, as for every action there is an effect. The causal body holds the karmic imprints and helps guide the soul’s learning and evolution across lifetimes, helping integrate personal experiences with universal truths.
This webinar will include healing to:
- clear karmic loops and past life karma
- release any limiting energetic ties to the family caste system that are holding you back
- release childhood trauma
- clear homeland trauma
- deactivate limitations brought on by your birth certificate
- release karmic trauma
- clear 1000’s of old programs from lifetimes
- self forgiveness for past/past life mistakes
- make your ego your amigo
- balance the spiritual ego
- clear hoarding of
- clear unhealed ancestral & generational trauma
- connect you to your optimal blueprint
- bring you back to wholeness (true self)
- activate home sweet home within
- activate sinner to saint (Mary Magdelene energy)
- bring in Mother Mary energy
- causal body cleanse and upgrade
20 minutes of receiving a karma clearing frequency to clear past life karma that is still impacting you today, and bring in Good Luck karma which acts like divine forgiveness of any mistakes you have made in the past or past life.
May 21 – Spiritual Body: Soul Retraction, Soul Balancing, and Soul Alignment
The spiritual body is the
This webinar will include healing to:
- clear oaths, vows, and contracts
- reconnect fragments of your inner child
- return fragments of your heart
- clear past life suffering on the soul level
- deactivate soul contracts that do not serve you
- clear soul imprisonment
- cleanse the soul energies that do not serve
- retrieve your soul
- align your soul with its purpose
- create heaven on earth
- rise up from the ashes
- celestial body upgrade
- subtle bodies full alignment (of all 7 subtle bodies)
25 minutes of receiving a powerful frequency that will bring in healing straight from YOUR Akashic records. I will leave it open, so you will get the messages and healing your higher self and your akashic records deem right for you. As well as a unique blend of “Soul Accelerator” frequencies that clear, and create the optimal states to thrive in alignment with your soul. To close off the 6 weeks, there will be special gemstone frequencies to nourish, inspire, and amplify ALL your subtle bodies, and the energy of white to bring you closer to your divine non-dual self.
Feeling whole, integrated, and aligned within is my deepest intention for you. You were not born to suffer, on any level. Yes, there are soul lessons, and yes, life can feel like a bumpy rollercoaster at times, but how you manage those moments is a reflection of how balanced and harmonious you are within. These 6 weeks will bring you the greatest wealth, the wealth of overall health, well-being, and deep inner contentment.
What are Sacred Activations:
Sacred Activations is a transformational modality of energy from Source that uses Sacred Geometry. Sacred Activations align our geometry so that all of us, our entire being with all of our bodies, can function according to our full power. It is the only modality that reprograms you on the cellular, genetic, and DNA levels.
Sacred Activations work on our belief systems, deactivating negative belief systems and activating positive and more aligned ones for our highest good. The energy that flows during the Sacred Activations comes directly from the Creator and I let the energy flow in you as a witness of the ongoing process. During the activation webinar, hundreds of belief systems and emotions, are cleared on all levels. These belief systems and emotions are cleared from our genetics, from all our timelines, including the current one, and from the collective consciousness to which we are closely connected. The powerful healing activations work to clear out old and lower vibrational memories, thoughts, and emotions that are located in the cells of your body, auric field, and DNA.
- $222 for all 6 ($37 each) **per household/payment plan available**
Note: The value of each activation is $33 to $44, and each of the 6 webinars is valued at well over $400
E-transfer to
If in U.S. / International pay by PAYPAL (USD) to
If wish to pay by credit card, I will send you an invoice through PayPal (USD)
I wanted to share with you what I am noticing since starting the Sacred Activations Webinars:
– More stable mood, and, I think, improved hormonal state (going through Menopause and getting good medical advice / support… but went through a phase of feeling a lot of anger before starting SA.)
– Potato chips, the food I can eat least sanely, have lost their appeal. Just woke up one day and my internal voice said, “I’m not eating these anymore.”
– More energy, less irritation, some improvement in brain fog and finding the right words at the right time.
– Feeling a lot of flow in my professional life. More intuitive hits, and more flexibility in handling challenging situations.
– More loving detachment in my relationships; clarity about what’s my responsibility and what is none of my business.
I fully anticipate more goodies to come.
With much appreciation,
I wanted to take a moment to share my incredible experience with Ella. Ever since I started attending her Sacred Activations sessions, my life has taken a turn for the better. It’s hard to put into words, but let me try my best to explain the magic that Ella has brought into my world.
First off, I’ve been seeing angel numbers everywhere! It’s like the universe is sending me little signs and messages to let me know I’m on the right track. These synchronicities have been so powerful and comforting.
But that’s not all. Through Ella’s sessions, I’ve had these amazing “ah-ha” moments that have unlocked deep-seated blocks in my life. It’s like a lightbulb going off in my head, and suddenly, everything falls into place.
And here’s the really mind-blowing part: I’ve been manifesting like crazy! I’ve attracted a trip to Miami, and it doesn’t stop there. People, books, articles, and other things I’ve needed have effortlessly come into my life. It’s as if the universe has become my personal assistant, working behind the scenes to provide for me.
Ella is truly one-of-a-kind, and I can’t recommend her sessions enough. Her gifts are extraordinary, and I’m so grateful to have crossed paths with her. She has transformed my life in ways I never thought possible.
I have had several experiences with Ella’s Sacred Activation webinars. Each one, the energy has been palpable & I always experience incredible releases including full body chills, yawning & belching. I have been working & experiencing energy work for years & so I am very aware of the beautiful healing energy shifts occurring with the Activations. In deep gratitude, Ella.
Since meeting Ella, my healing has been truly transformative. After experiencing a Sacred Activations Workshop and Webinar, I felt a relief from the chronic back pain I’ve carried throughout my 20s and early 30s; and more recently (and intensely) from a serious back injury that I have been recovering from in the past 6 months. Ella‘s energy work is subtle, yet utterly powerful! Her warmth and soothing nature provides support and expansion in her client work. Trust in Ella to guide you through the varying depths of healing. With gratitude.
Ella‘s webinars are nothing short of magic. I start feeling rejuvenated during the activations and definitely continue to feel the healing benefits for several weeks after.
Ella, what a profound SA webinar session that was! Unlike the other ones, this one was less visual for me but I felt a sense of assurance envelope me from start to finish. Have been feeling anxious since about Friday last week, and the gentle wave of calm was very much welcome, very much needed. As always, thank you for holding space for all of us.
Thanks for the activations last night. While engaged, I was very relaxed and felt good vibrating energy light in the core area. When you started talking about sleep and being overwhelmed, I literally felt a pressing down on my heart. It wasn’t uncontrollable, but it was unmistakable. I always find your delivery of energy work and meditation so enjoyable and definitely have different energies flowing throughout my body. I am so happy I signed up for all the activations! Looking forward to next week.
Ella’s sessions are like a cleansing bath for your soul – you feel refreshed, relaxed and clear-minded the next day. My scattered thoughts are organized, I am more calm and I’m able to make more thoughtful decisions. Thank you Ella for caring and doing what you’re doing.
I can’t tell you enough about how grateful I am for you and the work that you do. I think it has shifted things profoundly! I saw my parents last week and they said that I even look different!
Ella’s group activations sessions are a wonder. I’ve felt the impact of each one, not just during the webinar but afterward as the activations continue to settle in my body. There is always a feeling of clarity around the particular issue that she focuses on. The ‘family’ activations session had me calmly setting stronger boundaries with my parents and siblings, something I’ve struggled with in the past.
The last series of Sacred Activations coincided with some trying weeks in my life – the death of a friend, a particularly stress-filled period at work, and a few poignant conflicts in personal relationships. The world turns as it does and while I cannot battle that force, the SA sessions helped me cope with all that was going on in a calm and mindful way; the sessions helped clear some of the stale and negative energy that was taking up too much space in mind and body. There was a comfort and solace in waking up the day following the session – filled with the energy and hope that things may not be perfect but they will be alright. In hindsight, the simple act of taking an hour to participate in the sessions was empowering and uplifting. It was a privilege and an honour to have Ella lead those sessions. The energy she brings and genuine care she has for her clients are, undoubtedly, a large part of why SA has had such a profound and practical effect on me.
I just can’t get enough of Ella!
I am so happy I found you. I have practiced Reiki for many years and it has helped me know my higher self and move along my path to greater awareness. But I have been blocked up with some heavy pain and false core beliefs. I’ve needed something more intense. What you do is it.
The sacred activations healing webinars have helped me release several things:
1. Shame that was handed to me along with the belief that if I keep myself small, quiet, and follow the rules, do all the right things…nothing bad will happen
2. Going slow – my natural speed. There was a time in this life and in previous lives that I was judged worthy based on how hard I worked and how much I produced. That is not now. That is done. While doing these sacred activations with you, I am fatigued, and reflective. I am not as productive at my 3D job, but no one has died, nothing bad has happened. In fact, I am the only one who notices. I am no longer ashamed of thinking, speaking, and moving slowly. The guilt is done. I give myself permission to go slowly.
3. Since doing Sacred activations with you I am running into 111s daily! Daily! I now laugh and say hello when I encounter another 111
4. Today was the biggest Cathartic moment. I apologized to my husband for rejecting a compliment and I cried into his shoulder about how my mother had rejected me the day before and about how my father had done something very similar when he was on this side. I said out loud I am worthy and 100% loveable. I had to leave for work but I felt light and focused all day.
Much love to you,
I came across Ella on Om Times TV. I loved the way she taught and spoke about what Sacred Activations do, and why those particular Sacred Activations she was giving on the show. Ella has a grace, humbleness, loving, and caring nature that really shines through in her work. I could also feel her energy. I decided to learn SA through Ella. I started her 6-week series “5th Dimensional Upgrade”, and I could feel incredible work beginning, in week 3. This 6-week course helped me delve very deeply into ancient multi-layered trauma that was finally releasing, alongside a host of other traumas. I did each week at least twice, the 6th week 3 times. I am doing the 30 day Vogel crystal manifestation from week 4. This has been amazing! After 3.5 weeks of doing the Vogel crystal healing each evening at 6pm, I felt this immense gratitude and thankfulness for future blessings. Ella did say this and I am so grateful for giving it a go. I’ve also noted my physical body appears to have upgraded. For a couple of years I’ve had hip and knee issues. I am 55. Blow me down, my hips felt different a couple of weeks ago and I was encouraged intuitively to do yoga postures and stretches that I haven’t been able to do for over 2 years. I can now squat, move whilst in a squat, do child’s pose, and stretch in ways I haven’t been able to because of pain, and tightness. Needless to say, I am so happy and very purified. I did a lot of emotional releasing. I was prepared and knew it may occur. The 5th Dimensional Upgrade series helped release and then clear and purify my aura. I saw my future occurring a lot quicker because I did this series with Ella. I have finished SA level 1 and it was amazing. I will start Sacred Activations Masters and Medical Intuitive trainings with Ella this summer. She is a gift and a light to the world like Tamra, creator of Sacred Activations. We are blessed to have both of them as our Teachers and Healers.