ISA Money Light Codes Webinars
ISA Money Light Codes Webinars: 2 5 Weeks January to April
**Testimonials at the bottom of the page**
ISA Money Light Codes activate YOUR divine money codes. ISA Money Light Codes connect you to your personal money frequency transmissions, your cosmic fingerprints.
With the advanced money frequency transmissions of the ISA Money Light Codes, you can energetically speed up the process of letting go of your ancestral fears, re-program your belief systems, and upgrade your environment through higher vibrational energies. All of this will integrate into your DNA to help you create a life in full money alignment, free of the shackles of the fears of the collective consciousness, your family, ancestors, and even your homeland.
The ISA Money Light Codes will accelerate and stabilize positive change by energetically clearing the ancient limiting beliefs embedded in your DNA while simultaneously reprogramming your cells with higher money frequencies designed to allow you to carry and hold more money, abundance, and light. There are 50 ISA Money Light Codes!
Some Benefits of ISA Money Light Codes include:
- Help you dissolve and reduce money and wealth blocks
- Help you to dissolve and remove any stuck energies in all your energetic fields and 13 Chakras
- Help you clear fear, shame, and unworthiness around money
- Help you move out of poverty consciousness and into prosperity and wealth consciousness
- Help to align you to the frequency of money
- Help to activate you to the frequency of money
- Help expand your energetic field so you can hold more abundance with ease and grace
- Help clear any ancestral blocks and familial limiting beliefs
- Help you expand and manifest an aligned life with your true purpose
- Help you expand your receptivity to receive money
- Help you step into being a money magnet
So much lives in our subconscious and unconscious mind that we do not even realize, that impacts our choices AND what we draw in. Some of the themes or ISA MLC’s may not resonate for you, but these 2 5 weeks are thorough to clear what you are aware of & what you are not aware of, and instill ALL you need to draw in money, wealth, and abundance.
5 Wednesdays 8-9 pm EST Starting January 22, 2025.
** Tuesday, January 28, 7 pm EST ISA Energetic Clearing to clear vows, emotions, and limiting beliefs for abundance & wealth. This is included in the cost and will be a great way to prepare for the 5 weeks (value $111) **
WHEN: 5 Wednesdays, January 22 to February 19,
TIME: 8-9pm EST
HOW LONG: 50 min (You will get the recordings to keep)
INVESTMENT: $222 for all 5 weeks (give you an idea of the value: one private session is $222 US)
- E-transfer to
- If in U.S. / International pay by PAYPAL (USD) to
- If wish to pay by credit card, I will send you an invoice through PayPal (USD)
Each week, for the 5 weeks, you will receive:
5 ISA Money Light Codes
5 ISA Money Energetics
- 1 Master ISA Money Light Code
- 1 Level 3 ISA Money Light Code (these are ONLY given in private sessions, but I am an ISA MLC Level 3 teacher, so you get them in the series)
The dates & themes of the 5 ISA Money Light Code Webinars:
January 22, 8pm EST: Clear Poverty & Lack Consciousness
5 ISA Money Light Codes: overflow of money, control of your finances, release attachment to economy & dissolve dread around money
5 ISA Money Energetics: Financial freedom is your birthright, instill abundance thinking, release negative money energy & blocks to prosperity, and instill making money is easy
- 1 Master ISA Money Light Code to dissolve poverty & lack consciousness
- 1 Level 3 ISA Money Light Code to activate the energies of money consciousness
January 29, 8pm EST: Debt & Money Manager
5 ISA Money Light Codes: dissolve belief of never enough money, activate great “money manager” & always enough money, and debt-free
5 ISA Money Energetics: instill being an awesome money manager, finances improving, handling large sums of money, and taking your finances to the next level
- 1 Master ISA Money Light Code to install energies of financial freedom & being debt-free
- 1 Level 3 ISA Money Light Code to activate the energies of money consciousness
February 5, 8pm EST: Self-Sabotage & Limiting Money Beliefs
5 ISA Money Light Codes: activate being a good person & having money, clear spending money to fill an emotional void, clear too young/old to make a lot of money, and activate that it is never too late to make a lot of money
5 ISA Money Energetics: handle massive success with grace, have more than enough wealth, money comes in effortlessly, release worry about money, and allow expected & unexpected income
- 1 Master ISA Money Light Code to install energies of being good & worthy enough of money, prosperity, and wealth
- 1 Level 3 ISA Money Light Code to dissolve wealth self-sabotage
February 12, 8pm EST: Clear Fears & Not Being Able to Hold Onto Money
5 ISA Money Light Codes: activate being able to replenish money in all areas of your life, increase your net worth daily, and call in money with ease. As well as dissolve fear of success and shame around failure around money
5 ISA Money Energetics: instill a relaxed state with money, good fortunes & riches, gratitude for money, and release every block to prosperity
- 1 Master ISA Money Light Code to install the newest upgraded money energies
- 1 Level 3 ISA Money Light Code to dissolve the belief of not being worthy of having money, or worthy of receiving money
February 19, 8pm EST: Family, Generational, and Ancestral Healing Around Money
5 ISA Money Light Codes: dissolve belief that cannot be as or more successful than family members, and family has never been rich so I will also struggle. As well as the belief that you have to work really hard to make money
5 ISA Money Energetics: instill worthiness of money to better your life, riches to share with others, step into your wealthy new life, and support & freedom
- 1 Master ISA Money Light Code to install the energies of generational wealth
- 1 Level 3 ISA Money Light Code to dissolve the ancestral karma wealth debt
These 5 weeks will transform you, way beyond wealth and prosperity beliefs. Ultimately, you will have space to expand and hold not only money, but opportunities, abundance, and so much more!
5 Wednesdays 8-9 pm EST Starting March 5, 2025
WHEN: 5 Wednesdays, March 5 to April 2
TIME: 8-9pm EST
HOW LONG: 50 min (You will get the recordings to keep)
INVESTMENT: $222 for all 5 weeks (give you an idea of the value: one private session is $222 US)
- E-transfer to
- If in U.S. / International pay by PAYPAL (USD) to
- If wish to pay by credit card, I will send you an invoice through PayPal (USD)
Each week, for the 5 weeks, you will receive:
5 ISA Money Light Codes
5 ISA Money Energetics
- 1 Master ISA Money Light Code
- 1 NEW ISA Money Light Code (these are ONLY given in private sessions, but I am an ISA MLC Level 3 teacher, so you get them in the series)
The dates & themes of the ISA Money Light Code Webinars:
March 5, 8pm EST: Open/Worthy of Receiving, and Arms Wide Open
5 ISA Money Light Codes to instill energies of balance in all areas of your life, gratitude for money, and money balance
5 ISA Money Energetics: instill money magnet, receptivity to all money, money comes easily, financial abundance, and expected & unexpected income
- 1 Master ISA Money Light Code to instill energies to know what it feels and looks like to handle responsibility, wealth and success
- 2 Level 3 ISA Money Light Codes to receive and overflow of prosperity, AND activate 3K
March 12, 8pm EST: Feel Safe/Trust to Make A Lot Of Money
5 ISA Money Light Codes to instill energies of feeling safe to hold on to and make a lot of money, and have faith that the money will come in plentiful amounts
5 ISA Money Energetics: instill flow of money & opportunities, ever-increasing amounts of money, safe to be rich, and open to unlimited wealth
- 1 Master ISA Money Light Code to instill energies that it is safe for you to have financial success, and what it looks and feels like
- 1 Level 3 ISA Money Light Codes to activate an overflow of money
March 19, 8pm EST: Shine Bright, Have Fun & Use Your Creativity to Make A Lot of Money
5 ISA Money Light Codes to instill energies of making money being creative and using your gifts, creativity, and that making money is fun and easy. As well, energies of being an abundant, wealthy, and prosperous spiritual person, and that it is safe for you to shine and make a lot of money
5 ISA Money Energetics: instill constant wealth & prosperity, heart-led ambitions, fun ways to make money, money supports my best life, and good fortunes are drawn to you
- 2 Master ISA Money Light Codes to instill energies of getting paid well for your gifts AND that you can have it all; love, health, joy & wealth
- 1 Level 3 ISA Money Light Code to activate DNA upgrade
March 26, 8pm EST: RaiseYour Money Ceiling and Be A Money Magnet
5 ISA Money Light Codes to instill energies of worthiness of making a lot of money, that there is more than enough for everyone, and that you are a money magnet attracting money effortlessly. As well as to increase your vibration to an overflow of money
5 ISA Money Energetics: instill worthiness of being a money magnet, avalanche of financial abundance, money miracles, good fortunes, and transformation into a money-making machine
- 1 Master ISA Money Light Code to instill energies of expanding your money receiving capacity as to raise your energetic money ceiling
- 1 Level 3 ISA Money Light Code to increase your energetic money thermostat
April 2, 8pm EST: Universal Law of Abundance
5 ISA Money Light Codes to instill energies that you deserve to get the amount of money you truly desire, that money is love, and connect you to the Universal Abundance Flow and Consciousness. As well as install the energy of infinite abundance, wealth, and prosperity
5 ISA Money Energetics: instill energy of abundance, master of your wealth, drenched with financial abundance & abundant flow of life
- 1 Master ISA Money Light Code to instill energies of universal abundance
- 1 Level 3 ISA Money Light Code to receive an overflow of abundance
These 5 weeks will transform you beyond money! These 5 or 10 weeks if you did both series, will open you up to abundance in ALL areas of your life
I partook in the 6 weeks of Money Light Code webinars. I found that in the 6 weeks there were many shifts. The first shift I found was that in the past I didn’t feel there was a place for me to get money. The imaging in the weekly ISA Money Light Codes meditation with Ella was so powerful that now I feel I have a concrete image in my mind of where I can get money. The second shift I noticed is I was not afraid to make a concrete budget which in the past I would have been afraid to even look at the money and would feel constricted to do so. But actually by creating the budget, it opened my mind to see how much money there is to spend. And the third shift I noticed was that I bought some things in previous months and in one way or another the money came back to me either it was returned by the company or the like. I recommend the six week MLC webinars as it will open your mind to the possibility of money in an expansive way. Thank you Ella!
I wanted to give you an update on how things have been going since the Money Lightcode Sessions. I have seen an influx of appointments coming in from current clients and a few new clients coming in. While the existing clients are making the smaller timed appointment at $35 for 15 min, they are making more of them than they used to. The new clients are purchasing full sessions. I am hoping that as I continue listening to the recordings that will continue to shift. I have been able to make the decision to hire a virtual assistant to help me schedule and create content, this was something I was afraid to do before because I didn’t know where the money was going to come from to pay her. I now have the belief that she will pay for herself.
I was unsure about taking the ISA Money Lightcodes webinar series because of the topic…money. I clearly do have an inherited negative attitude toward it because the webinars were more uncomfortable for me than any of the Sacred Activation webinars that Ella has run. But I’m glad I invested. What a difference it has made to my overall sense of well-being. The Money Lightcodes seem to have untied many of the knots that were in my psyche about monetary success. I’ve stopped worrying about it. If it comes, it comes, and I’ll welcome it and use it. Otherwise, I feel more relaxed about even having enough money. Money is no longer this dragon to slay or befriend. Taking that anxiety and confusion out of my thinking has allowed me to open up more to what is available to me right now. I can be more present. I don’t know if that makes sense, but it has been a profound shift for me.
I just finished with Ella’s ISA Money light code webinar series in February. These are powerful and life changing!
The 6 week Money Light Codes series with Ella was transformative. After the first two sessions I began to see shifts in my attitude about money and my self-worth, but what shocked me was that my husband (who wasn’t participating in the series) began to transform rapidly. He actually didn’t even know I was taking part in money-specific sessions, but he started randomly saying things like “we’re rich, it’s all gonna be ok…” I invited him to join me for week 3 of the series. After week 4, he got a job offer making about 5 times more than what he had been making.
In this kind of work, I usually experience shifts in my energy field which take some time to trickle down into physical manifestations, but this brought immediate results in our physical life. It was really quite extraordinary. I think that everyone can benefit from taking part in ISA Money Light Codes with Ella because there’s so much more than just money that comes with shifting our self-worth and abilities to receive. This is very powerful work.
Ella’s ISA Money Light Codes healing session was a total game-changer for me. She helped me break through my money blockages and all of a sudden, new clients started pouring in. My business has picked up since then, and I’m so grateful for her amazing energy work. I can’t thank her enough for guiding me through this and I’m excited to keep working on more blockages with her.:)