Sacred Activations


Sacred Activations are energetic activations(or deactivations).  Sacred Activations deactivate fear-based and debilitating beliefs and emotions from this lifetime and last, while activating emotions and beliefs that bring us back to love and harmony within our being. These webinars will be virtual and profoundly powerful! The energy continues to run and integrate for up to 5 days, and influence every part of your life. Here is more information on Sacred Activations


They will be held Wednesdays 8-9pm via ZOOM, with recordings for 72 HOURS

Here are a few testimonials from the last group:

“Ella’s group activations sessions are a wonder. I’ve felt the impact of each one, not just during the webinar but afterward as the activations continue to settle in my body. There is always a feeling of clarity around the particular issue that she focuses on. The ‘family’ activations session had me calmly setting stronger boundaries with my parents and siblings, something I’ve struggled with in the past.”

“The last series of Sacred Activations coincided with some trying weeks in my life – the death of a friend, a particularly stress-filled period at work, and a few poignant conflicts in personal relationships. The world turns as it does and while I cannot battle that force, the SA sessions helped me cope with all that was going on in a calm and mindful way; the sessions helped clear some of the stale and negative energy that was taking up too much space in mind and body. There was a comfort and solace in waking up the day following the session – filled with the energy and hope that things may not be perfect but they will be alright. In hindsight, the simple act of taking an hour to participate in the sessions was empowering and uplifting. It was a privilege and an honour to have Ella lead those sessions. The energy she brings and genuine care she has for her clients are, undoubtedly, a large part of why SA has had such a profound and practical effect on me.”

This edition is called SELF-HEALING EDITION (each session will have  12-15 activations specific to the theme)

October 13: Self-love/Self-acceptance : releasing fear-based emotions and thoughts, and raising confidence and self-esteem. This session will include activations to deactivate trauma and debilitation belief systems

October 20: Sleep/Gut health : activations to aid in better sleep and help with digestion issues  (this will be a powerful session!)

October 27: Prosperity/ Money:  Releasing fears of scarcity and lack, along with specific activations for abundance and money

November 3: Emotional balance/Mental clarity: This session is for EVERYTHING mental health

November 10: Family : Releasing family, ancestral and homeland trauma, as well as reconnecting you to your inner child

November 17: Energy body: Chakras, healing power and connecting you to your intuition

Each webinar is $20 or ALL 6 for $100

*etransfer to (if in U.S. PayPal adding $5 as a fee comes off)

Once registered, you will get an email confirmation and then an email Monday before each webinar with the Zoom link

These are the last webinars of 2021! Email me with any questions you may have.

Taking your healing into your hands!

In healing,
