Arcturian Blueprint Activation (240 mins)


You need 240 minutes of the powerful Arcturian Blueprint Activation (ABA) to instill your divine will. These 6 40- minute sessions will take out old programs that are blocking your divine blueprint. Once these blockages are taken away, cleared, you do not need to add anything. The Arcturian Blueprint Activation subtracts and takes away all the old programming that is blocking you from truly knowing you, your divine essence.

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240 Minutes of Arcturian Blueprint Activation

Clear the Way for Your Divine Blueprint

Value over $300 US
Cost $111 US

You need 240 minutes of the powerful Arcturian Blueprint Activation (ABA) to instill your divine will. These 6 40- minute sessions will take out old programs that are blocking your divine blueprint. Once these blockages are taken away, cleared, you do not need to add anything. The Arcturian Blueprint Activation subtracts and takes away all the old programming that is blocking you from truly knowing you, your divine essence.

Most importantly, it instills will. Clearing victim mentality, and instilling warrior mentality. The kind of will, that when confronted by all the changes of life, you will engage from your inner will, standing tall and true in your being.
Arcturians are from the 9th dimensional Arcturus, the brightest star in the constellation, and they are very powerful, yet gentle healers that are so happy to guide and help in the healing of all parts of your being. They are tall (very tall), blue, quiet, and known as spiritual warriors. So, it is no surprise that they know all about will. I have heard them described as “excellence in action” by one of my teachers.

Note, that these will be unique 6 sessions, in that you will be in meditation receiving the energy from me. It will be 40 minutes of purely receiving the Arcturian Blueprint activation (energy). You need 240 minutes of receiving the activation to make it complete wthin your system.

There will be 6 40-minute sessions to make 240 minutes of receiving ABA, and then it is completely activated. However, you may continue to listen at times, if you wish, when meditating or wanting to connect to the calming Arcturian energies.

Each 40 minute audio includes:

  • 1 minute of Arcturian frequency to relax and center your system
  • 1 minute of Arcturian frequency to cleanse and energize all your subtle bodies
  • 40 minutes of Arcturian Blueprint Activation
  • 2 minutes of Arcturian frequency to integrate the energies