Sacred Activations

Sacred Activations Webinars for 2022

ALL webinars are still Wednesdays 8-9pm EST with recording till Sunday 5pm
All are 10-12 activations.
Series of 6 webinars; 10 Sacred Activations in each webinar
Wednesday, March 16: Theme of HEALTH; focus on organs and digestion. Remember organs hold belief systems and emotions. The nervous system will also get an upgrade, which is so important for the other activations to integrate and upgrade.
Wednesday, March 23: Theme of aging and staying youthful. This has to do with clearing belief systems around aging, as well as tending to collagen, cells, skin, belief system etc
Wednesday, March 30: Theme of moving out of LACK & LIMITATIONS: In short, getting out of your own way! Stepping into your power. There are many POWERFUL activations for this.
Wednesday, April 13: Theme of Worthiness and Shame. I put this theme in because in EVERY MI session I am clearing lack of worthiness and shame, both from the organs & your subconscious. Yes, there are 12 activations related to this!
Wednesday, April 20: Theme of Mental health/Brain balance. This is such a powerful one, as ego & the mind gets in the way of SO much!
Wednesday, April 27: Theme of LOVE. This is not necessarily about romantic love, but about raising your love vibration; moving out of fear. There are many activations for love and love vibration. In short, moving you out of fear and into LOVE, which is key for manifestation, inner ease, and JOY!
There will be another set of 6 webinars in October/November The themes will include: prosperity consciousness, family, stepping into your power, energetic body, and emotional balance/health
* $50 for 1 webinar
* $40 if more than 1
* $200 for all 6 webinars (Spring or Fall Editions)
Payment: Etransfer
Out of Canada PayPal “Ella Isakov” ADD $5 for PayPal fee
If you have read this far, here are some testimonials from 2021 webinar participants! Many of them have already invested in the 2022 webinars!

I can’t tell you enough about how grateful I am for you and the work that you do. I think it has shifted things profoundly! I saw my parents last week and they said that I even look different!

Ella, what a profound SA webinar session that was!  Unlike the other ones, this one was less visual for me but I felt a sense of assurance envelope me from start to finish. Have been feeling anxious since about Friday last week, and the gentle wave of calm was very much welcome, very much needed. As always, thank you for holding space for all of us.

Thanks for the activations last night. While engaged, I was very relaxed and felt good vibrating energy light in the core area. When you started talking about sleep and being overwhelmed, I literally felt a pressing down on my heart. It wasn’t uncontrollable, but it was unmistakable. I always find your delivery of energy work and meditation so enjoyable and definitely have different energies flowing throughout my body. I am so happy I signed up for all the activations! Looking forward to next week.

Ella’s sessions are like a cleansing bath for your soul – you feel refreshed, relaxed and clear minded the next day. My scattered thoughts are organized, I am more calm and I’m able to make more thoughtful decisions. Thank you Ella for caring and doing what you’re doing.

Ella’s group activations sessions are a wonder. I’ve felt the impact of each one, not just during the webinar but afterward as the activations continue to settle in my body. There is always a feeling of clarity around the particular issue that she focuses on. The ‘family’ activations session had me calmly setting stronger boundaries with my parents and siblings, something I’ve struggled with in the past.

In love, healing, and making 2022 a HIT of a year!
