What is ascension?  It is a buzzword, but do we truly know what it means?

Below is a short explanation of the 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensions that are really different states of consciousness.

We are living life in either 3D, 4D, 5D, or a combination of all three.

3D consciousness, is viewing things from a physical state. as separate from others Things are perceived as being good or bad, there is a duality and fear of missing out. 3D is living more from fear and fulfillment comes from material things and status. In 3D, there is little desire to go within, and life is led primarily by the ego
4D consciousness awakens the idea that we are all connected, and that there is more to life than meets the eye. Thoughts are powerful and can shift reality, and there is more compassion and understanding for the dualities of life. There is also greater importance to rituals and a healthy lifestyle. A strong desire to find purpose, meaning, and passions. The most important piece is you begin to see the world through 6 senses and your intuition starts to grow and expand, and you seek deeper meaning in life
5D consciousness is about the higher purpose for all things, and an understanding that every experience holds meaning. There are stronger feelings of love & connectedness with others, the planets, and even the galaxies around us. Love and compassion rule and there is little to no judgment.  You have a greater comprehension that everyone is just on their individual journey and timeline. Greater desire to live from a place of authenticity, truth, and joy. Your intuition is strong, and there is a deeper connection to angelic beings

** Important sidenote** remember that these states of consciousness are not “better” or “worse” than the other. EVERY soul has their journey to walk and their personal reasons for which dimensional state to live from. As glamorous as it may sound to live in the 4th or 5th-dimensional state, if ascending too fast or not ready for it, you can get a variety of “ascension symptoms”. So, if shifting your consciousness is your intention, your journey, and how you go about it matters.